Pain-Free Sedation Dentistry
Quality care, free of anxiety or pain
At the office of Dr. Murphy, we know that dentistry can be a touchy subject for some people. Our mouths are fairly sensitive and many people are afraid of pain or prodding in their mouth, even if done by a professional. For patients that struggle to relax during their dental appointments, we offer sedation dentistry. In our office, you can enter a state of complete rest and comfort during any dental procedure. You’ll never have to worry about your treatment again.
Should I Use Sedation Dentistry?
While sedation dentistry may not be the ideal solution for every treatment or patient, it is useful for:
- Dental anxiety or a phobia of dental treatments
- A previous bad experience with a dental procedure
- A dental injury
- Damage to your Oral tissue
- Severe toothaches
- Gingivitis or any infection of the tooth root
Benefits of Sedation Dentistry
Our goal is to make your experience with us feel as safe and enjoyable as possible. If you’ve avoided the dentist due to dental anxiety or fear of pain, sedation dentistry can remove these concerns. You can receive the care you need while feeling relaxed and calm. No more avoiding the dentist out of fear or hesitation, you can keep your smile healthy without worrying about how it might feel!
We also offer sedation dentistry to patients with severe oral discomfort or pain. The sedatives will allow us to fix whatever problem you may have without causing additional pain or injury. The sedation will help you relax, making our job easier and reduces the risk of accidents.
Who Is a Good Candidate for Sedation?
As long as you are healthy and do not have any conditions or health problems that may prevent you from being sedated, you are a good candidate for sedation. At the office of Dr. Murphy, we can offer sedation to patients of all ages. You may want to consider sedation if:
- You have dental anxiety and you are nervous about an upcoming procedure.
- You have a strong gag reflex. Sedation can minimize this reflex and make you more comfortable during treatment.
- You have trouble sitting still for a long period of time, or want to relax during a long and complex dental procedure.
- You are afraid of needles. Sedation can make the process of numbing your mouth with needles easier if you have issues with needles and injections.
You can be sedated for any reason. So, if you think that sedation is right for you, just inquire about your sedation options when you’re scheduling your appointment with Dr. Murphy. We are happy to accommodate and provide you with the treatment you need to relax.
What Treatments Can I Be Sedated For?
Mostly, we offer sedation for treatments that are invasive and require the removal of tooth enamel or some other type of dental surgery. Patients often choose to be sedated during treatments such as:
- Dental fillings & crowns
- Root canal therapy
- Tooth extractions
- Dental implant surgery
- Periodontal deep cleaning (scaling & root planing)
However, these are not the only procedures for which you can be sedated. We can provide you with sedation for any treatment, including routine six-month teeth cleanings and oral exams. Dr. Murphy is dedicated to your comfort, so please just ask if you would like to be sedated during your procedure.
Understanding the Unique Benefits of Laughing Gas
At our office, laughing gas (nitrous oxide) is our preferred method of sedation because of its unique benefits:
- Reduces anxiety and discomfort – Laughing gas will make you feel euphoric and a bit disconnected from your surroundings. It also helps function as an anti-anxiety drug, and as an analgesic (pain-relieving) medication.
- Wears off quickly – Nitrous oxide starts to wear off about 2-5 minutes after you stop breathing in the gas, and there are no lingering after-effects. This means that, unlike other sedation methods, you can drive yourself home or go back to work after your appointment. Nitrous oxide won’t interfere with your day-to-day life.
- Few side effects – You may feel a bit disoriented after your treatment. You may also experience a bit of nausea, headache, or sleepiness. However, these effects are typically quite rare, mild, and wear off quickly.
- Safe and easy to control – Using a nose mask and the proper mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide, Dr. Murphy can easily control the flow of laughing gas, and ensure that you are receiving the proper dose.
You can be sedated for any reason. So, if you think that sedation is right for you, just inquire about your sedation options when you’re scheduling your appointment with Dr. Murphy. We are happy to accommodate and provide you with the treatment you need to relax.
What to expect at your appointment
While sedation dentistry is available for everyone, we want to ensure you understand all your treatment options. At your appointment, we’ll guide you through your procedure step-by-step so you can decide how aware you want to be. To accomodate our anxious and pain-averse patients, we offer Nitrous oxide as our primary form of sedation.
Nitrous oxide provides the most controlled form of sedation and is a perfect choice for patients that want to remain conscious. The natural gas will help you enter a relaxed, blissful state where you’ll be free of pain or anxiety. For most patients, there are no side effects or after-effects once the treatment has worn off, so nitrous oxide remains our preferred sedative solution.
Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?
Yes. Laughing gas sedation, which is our preferred method of sedation, is especially safe. Complications are extremely rare and rarely serious, and Dr. Murphy has years of experience administering laughing gas sedation.
In addition, laughing gas sedation equipment has a wide variety of safety features to ensure that patients receive the proper dose of nitrous oxide during their procedure. Dr. Murphy and our dental team will also be closely monitoring your vital signs and your health throughout your appointment at our office to make sure everything is proceeding normally.
Before your appointment begins, Dr. Murphy will consult with you to discuss your health history, medications and supplements you’re taking, and a few other details. This ensures that you can be sedated safely.
How Long Will I Be Sedated?
With nitrous oxide sedation, you’ll only be sedated for the duration of your appointment at the office of Murphy Dental Group, so this varies depending on the type of appointment. For a teeth cleaning, you may be sedated for just 15-30 minutes. For a more major procedure like a root canal or dental implant, you may be sedated for an hour or longer. It all depends on what you need to have done at your dental appointment in Oak Park.
You won’t have to worry about being impaired before or after you’re sedated with nitrous oxide at our office. The gas takes hold immediately and wears off quickly. So, unlike pill-based methods of sedation, for example, you won’t be sedated for multiple hours, or deal with the effects of sedation once you leave the office.
Right before your treatment begins, Dr. Murphy will apply a mask to your face, and you’ll breathe through your nose to inhale a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen. The gas will take effect immediately and make you feel euphoric and less anxious about your procedure.
Then, Dr. Murphy will stop the flow of nitrous oxide at the end of your appointment, replacing it with pure, 100% oxygen. You’ll breathe this in for a few minutes to “flush out” the remaining laughing gas. This minimizes side effects and ensures you feel normal right away.
What Are The After-Effects Of Sedation?
One of the reasons we use nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” sedation at our office is that it has very few after-effects, and it won’t impair you for a long time or interfere with your day-to-day life.
Once your procedure is over, the intoxicating effects of nitrous oxide will wear off within about 5 minutes. You will have a clear head, and your ability to drive and decision-making skills will not be impaired, unlike with deeper levels of sedation. This means you can drive yourself to and from the office of Dr. Murphy, and even go back to work after your treatment.
However, you may experience some minor after-effects including a headache, mild confusion, dizziness, shivering, or fatigue. These should wear off quickly, but it may be a little while until you feel 100% “normal” again. This is to be expected.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Regular Dental Cleanings Necessary?
The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth. For science, music, sport, etc, Europe uses the same vocabulary. The languages only differ in their grammar, their pronunciation and their most common words. Everyone realizes why a new common language would be desirable.
Do I Need to See a Dentist Even If My Teeth Feel Fine?
The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental; in fact, it will be Occidental. To an English person, it will seem like simplified English, as a skeptical Cambridge friend of mine told me what Occidental is. The European languages are members.
What’s a Dental Cleaning Like at Ruby Canyon Dental?
To an English person, it will seem like simplified English. Their separate existence is a myth. The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental; in fact, it will be Occidental. To an English person, it will seem like simplified English, as a skeptical Cambridge friend of mine told me what Occidental is. The European languages are members of the same family.
When Should I Change My Toothbrush?
The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental; in fact, it will be Occidental. To an English person, it will seem like simplified English, as a skeptical Cambridge friend of mine told me what Occidental is. The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth.
How Do I Know If I Have Gum Disease?
The new common language will be more simple and regular than the existing European languages. It will be as simple as Occidental; in fact, it will be Occidental. To an English person, it will seem like simplified English, as a skeptical Cambridge friend of mine told me what Occidental is. The European languages are members of the same family. Their separate existence is a myth.